Saturday, February 12, 2011

Petri Dish

Having a toddler in daycare is like having your own personal petri dish. The latest--pink eye and a double ear infection. Oh yeah. And while the ear infection doesn't particularly surprise me given that Nicholas has had a cold for the past month (which he gave to me a couple weeks ago and I haven't been able to shake either), the pediatrician is beginning to worry since this is the second time Nicholas has had the pink eye-ear infection combo in a few months.

The crazy thing is that Nicholas doesn't present with standard symptoms so it takes a long time before we take him to the doctor. With a double ear infection you should have a crazy fever. He is cool as a cucumber. (He did have that low fever earlier in the week, but it went away after a few hours.) You should be pulling on your ears and scream if anyone touches them. He pulls away a little sometimes. His eyes were gunky but not extremely so until yesterday afternoon and not pink at all. And while it is nice that he doesn't seem too uncomfortable and we don't have a too-cranky toddler on our hands, it makes me worry that we're leaving things untreated too long and possibly causing real damage.

But for now he is happy, on all sorts of antibiotics and no longer contagious, and the doctor wants to see him again in a few weeks to check out his ears.

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