Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pros and Cons

Nicholas loves daycare! He really, really does. And today he even napped a normal amount (albeit in 3 shorter chunks rather than 2 longer ones) and went to sleep in his crib there without needing to be swung. So yay for progress! And when we arrived he looked at us and smiled, but kept playing. It was a "oh, hi, Mommy and Daddy, are you coming to play with me?" rather than his normal "Mommy!!!!! I need you!!!!" when I come home. It is making me wonder why I was dragging my feet so much.

The only down side is the little boy seems to be getting sick. It is to be expected, I suppose, now that he is exposed to so many more germs, but it is sad nonetheless. Right now it seems like just a little cold, but we'll have to wait and see how the next few days play out. Since we're supposed to get another couple feet (yes, feet) of snow, we'll just hang out inside and try to get him to sleep a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, right. I swear that I didn't keep that to myself on purpose, I just never think about it anymore. If it helps, they say that being a little sick when you're little helps build immunity for later!

    SNOWpocalypse! Again.
