Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daycare: Day 2

Nicholas had his first full day of daycare today and did really well. When we got there he squirmed out of my arms and didn't want to even let me take his coat off before he went over to play. And when I went to pick him up he was lying in the middle of the floor on his back, "reading" a book, so content that he didn't notice I was there until one of the teachers picked him up and brought him over to me.

The only problem is that he napped for a grand total of an hour (instead of 3), which has led to a rough evening. He hasn't been cranky or anything, but was too tired to eat dinner. He then woke up after only being asleep for an hour and was a complete mess. He went back down okay after eating, so hopefully he'll get a good night's sleep and be okay.

But he is doing well with the transition. And I really like his daycare.

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