Wednesday, February 10, 2010

360-Month Update

Joe has made a lot of progress these past several hundred months, and we thought we'd give you an update now that he's hit exactly 360 months old.

First, we want to tell you that he's finally recovered from the nasty fall he took, and seems none the worse for wear:

From Joe as a Child

He's even learned how to dress himself!

From Joe as a Child

He takes his work very seriously.

From Joe as a Child

But don't think he's all work and no play; sometimes he'd just rather ... well, the photo speaks for itself.

From Joe as a Child

And if he keeps applying himself, soon he can put on the cap for real!

From Joe as a Child


  1. How many of these outfits do you still own? :o) Happy Birthday a day late!

  2. Well, some of them are just regular clothes, some were pieced together (the patriot outfit), so I doubt they still exist.

    We'd have to check with my Mom about whether she saved the clown costume, though I know I wasn't the only one to wear it.

  3. Mom is pretty sure we still have the clown costume . . . ready for the next generation!

  4. Outstanding! How old was I when I wore it? 2 1/2? (I seem to recall that it was a Halloween costume.) Nicholas is just 2 years away from clownish fun!
