Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekend at Home

Nicholas and I were at home this weekend . . . all weekend . . . just the two of us. And we did absolutely nothing noteworthy or picture worthy. And it was great. Not because we had oodles of fun so much as because I was able to get through a massive to-do list and nothing makes me feel better than being productive.

Yesterday after doing the normal morning routine plus talking to Joe on Skype, we went to the bank, the library, the post office, Walmart (yes, evil but actually has crib sheets that fit because they are too cheap to put in good elastic, so I caved), the dollar store, and the grocery store. And that was just before lunch.

We came home, made lunch, ate lunch, each napped for 2 hours, then took care of some more stuff around the house and went on a date to the mall. Nicholas got to play at the indoor playplace (which I absolutely hate but he loves) and at the American Girl store. He really loves playing with the dolls. I don't know if it is the magic of the store or what, but he does much more real play with them there than with his yard sale doll ("Babydoll") at home. Maybe it is all the props they have. There were two dolls at a picnic setup (he declared it to be a birthday party), and he pretended to pour them drinks, fed them, gave them balloons, etc.

And I got dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Well, he ate there too, but it wasn't nearly as much of a treat for him--the kids meals are really the same everywhere. We actually had a delightful little dinner date and when he got bored while waiting for our food to come, he sat in my lap and read me one of his books, which was quite enjoyable.

The really amazing thing about all our running around yesterday is that he was actually helpful some. And most of the rest of the time he at least wasn't being a hindrance. I keep thinking that he and I have to become a team if this crazy situation is going to work, and yesterday we actually were. I am pretty certain it was a fluke and not a new normal, but if this whole thing can teach him to be more responsible and helpful, then that will be a good perk.

Today we talked to my parents and Grandpa O. on Skype, went to church (where he was also delightful), did our Target errands, he helped me put away the laundry I did after he went to bed last night, he did some dishes (or as he calls it, thanks to the lingo used at school, "had water play") while I cleaned off the piles of crap that accumulated on the table, we made a yummy dinner, he had a bath, and we even got his fingernails and toenails cut! And we actually played together for an hour, which brought on the realization that he hasn't touched a single one of his toys in weeks because he has only been home and awake to eat or for the 40 minutes each day when he watches tv while I shower and make dinner.

And, to top it all off, I even managed to grade a bunch of student papers and respond to a half dozen student emails!

It wasn't quite all perfect. This morning after Target he had a pretty huge meltdown (apparently I pushed him a little too far) and getting his toenails cut was, as always, a massive struggle, but we got through it all. And we have a full fridge, leftovers for lunches tomorrow, clean clothes, a coat that actually fits Nicholas, and a Mommy who feels much more able to face the week with so many fewer things hanging over her head.

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