Monday, August 29, 2011

Power's Back!

We lost power at about 11am yesterday and it was still not on this morning. A quick call to daycare revealed that they had power, though, and since (according to my mom's help checking my email) I didn't have anything cancelling my orientation, Nicholas and I headed down to Framingham. Since the first functional traffic light I encountered was at his daycare's intersection, we really lucked out.

Nicholas and I went about our days and meanwhile Joe left about 10 to drive down to Philly, with the power still out all around us. I heard a third-hand rumor mid-afternoon that at least some parts of our town had power, but was unwilling to risk getting all the way back up here only to find it impossible to make anything other than tuna for dinner, and so Nicholas and I went out to eat after I picked him up.

On the drive home Nicholas asked if he could watch "Little Einsteins" when we got home. I simply said no, but he followed it up with an explanation of how we couldn't watch tv because the tv wouldn't turn on. About two minutes later we turned onto our street and our building came into view. "Our building!" Nicholas shouted. And then I saw what I was really looking for, a light on over a doorway. "And the lights are on!" I chimed in. And, our Nicholas, what did he say? "Now the tv works!"

We then walked upstairs and I turned on a light when I opened the door, to which Nicholas exclaimed, full of excitement, "We have power!" He and I then proceeded to do a little "we have power" dance.

He then promptly climbed up on the couch, insisting that he needed to watch tv and had a complete meltdown when I told him that no, even though the power was back, he couldn't watch tv because it was too late.

Poor kid.

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