Sunday, August 21, 2011

Christmas is Coming

Grandma Alice would be proud.

Nicholas has been going on and on the past few days about Christmas. He keeps asking if he can "make Christmas." Since this first started when he was looking at pictures of decorating last year's Christmas tree, I presume this is what he means by "making Christmas." He has also mentioned Santa Claus. No reference to presents yet, though.

We have been stalling him by telling him that he can indeed help make Christmas, but not until it is cold outside. Now that we're in New England, that buys us until, what, the beginning of October?


  1. I thought it was understood . . . the season officially opens on Labor Day!

  2. Only in a small bubble around your house ... and Martha Stewart's.

  3. We may have been in Hallmark today looking at ornaments.

  4. Mike. You "may have been"???? Aren't you sure where you were today? And what you were doing?

  5. Abby is holiday-focused and we measure everything out by them now.
    "When are we going back to camp?"
    Well, there is Labor Day and Aunt Sarahlynn's Birthday, and the week after that is back to camp.

    She totally seems to get it! :)
