Nicholas's habit of being agreeable (in theory) may come back to haunt him.
Ironically, though, this story stems from his being disagreeable this morning. He woke up in a mood for no particular reason [ed.: just like Daddy!], and refused to make a breakfast decision. Waffles? No! Cereal? No! ... Wait five minutes ... Waffle? No!
From across the room, exasperated, I jokingly put up a fist and said, "would you like a knuckle sandwich?"
At this Nicholas's face brightened. "Okay!"
I don't think he quite understood why Mommy and Daddy were laughing so hard. Oh well.
That's hilarious! Abby has those mornings - just the indecision part really. She's lucky enough to be a happy-in-the-morning girl, like her dad. :)