Thursday, May 19, 2011


I mentioned the other day that Nicholas is finally getting a handle on colors. This has had a dramatic effect on his artwork. For some reason that is beyond my understanding (but I bet is fascinating) he is only willing to draw with markers that he can name the color of. So suddenly his drawings have gone from all brown all the time to an array of beautiful colors. This morning he was drawing a card (btw, Uncle Mike and Aunt Melinda, check your mailbox in a couple days) and on the front he did one very intentional squiggle in each color, carefully naming each as he took it out of the box.

My favorite part, though, was when he finished making his purple squiggle and then very clearly declared "purple marker next to yellow" as he carefully put the purple marker in the box next to a yellow marker. Yep, I think colors have clicked. And, seriously, who knew he understood the concept of "next to" well enough to use it properly in a sentence?


  1. Truly awesome when they learn to pattern - so much fun to watch!

  2. You know what this means, right?

    It means he's almost ready for gerunds!
