Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Update from the Road

We're in Massachusetts for a few days looking at apartments and day care centers.  It's fun and exciting, but incredibly exhausting, though I think we're making a little progress.

Nicholas likes that there's an elevator in the hotel, and now can push the buttons himself (sometimes with a little boost). And he recognizes the numerals 1 to 4 pretty decently to get us to the right floor.  He and I also came up with an "Elevator Song" today to the tune of "Frère Jacques."  The hotel also has a pool, and because we've felt bad dragging him around so much, we've gone each day (and probably will tomorrow as well).  He loves it, especially when we let him jump in the pool.

Mostly though Nicholas has found this trip exhausting.  Yesterday he napped in the car on the way out from the airport, and today he slept in the morning between two house appointments (actually, from the end of one, through the next, and all the way until we stopped to make a phone call).  This evening when we got back to the hotel from dinner, Nicholas had fallen asleep, and woke up begging to go back to sleep.  He didn't even want to take his medicine, which he usually enjoys, and only did when Sarah assured him that he could go to sleep if he did.

But do you really want to know how tired he is?  I'm typing this post in the room, about three feet from his head, and he hasn't budged, squirmed, murmured, or done pretty much anything other than breathe.

1 comment:

  1. Kind of fun when they get that tired, but only if you have something fun to focus on. :) Love the picture you posted (the next day) at the pool - looks like he's having fun!!
