Thursday, March 17, 2011

Uncle Patrick Day . . . Part 2

A couple people asked for an update on the guacamole situation and it just so happens I have some more pictures from the day, so here is a follow up post.

The guacamole was an unqualified failure. After some internet searching and some microwaving, I got the avocados scooped out but then couldn't get them to mush up well enough because they were still too hard. As the clock raced towards party time I finally gave up (although not without some intense tears of frustration), bought pre-made guacamole and mint chocolate chip ice cream at the store, and booked it over to daycare.

The kids had already started their party and had plates laden with food (including lots of sweets), so really no one other than Nicholas had much interest in the guacamole and we didn't even break out the ice cream. Pretty anti-climactic after all of that. But the kids were very excited to see me and Nicholas kept announcing my presence and showing me off. As though they don't all see me every single day when I pick him up. But I guess being there mid-day was a special occasion.

Nicholas at his St.Patrick's Day Party:
From 2011 March

With his class:
From 2011 March

It really is amazing how well-trained the kids all are. They all sat so nicely at their snack table and were very well behaved.

It also gave me a chance to get some pictures of Nicholas in his classroom, including this one:

From 2011 March

So at least the day wasn't a complete loss. It was one of those days, though, that reminded me that I am in fact not superwoman and that trying to do it all never works out well. I am not a juggler. In trying to work, be mom, and deal with the move all at once, I managed to do each poorly. I got a total of 3 papers graded, failed miserably on the party snack, and drove our realtor batty. And in the process sent myself spiraling into not one but two breakdowns. And so tomorrow I resolve to compartmentalize. 8-5 I will only work. 5-8 I will only be mom. And 8-10? Well, it is a Friday night, maybe 8-10 I'll have some me time. Or maybe I'll grade or deal with apartment hunting or . . . or . . . or . . .


  1. Sorry your snack failed, but everyone had fun and that is all that matters! :) Happy Uncle Patrick Day!

  2. It really IS Uncle Patrick's Day. Since Patrick's actual birthday is in the summer, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day as his "Schooll Birthday." Every year, that was the day we sent him into class with cupcakes and all the fun things all the other kids got to bring in to school on THEIR birthdays.
