Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We provide all of Nicholas's food at day care, including his milk. We usually buy a gallon each week and send him with a smaller Tupperware container that we refill.  Because we do that, we have to put a little piece of tape with his name and the expiration date of the milk on it, lest the staff unwittingly serve him sour milk.

Apparently I was feeling a little mischievous yesterday morning (but only a little, as you shall see).  As a Monday, it was time for a new Tupperware, and we were opening a new gallon of milk with an expiration date about a week from now (still with me?).  Because I'm a nerd, I was tempted to label the milk as follows:

Exp. π

Get it?

Didn't actually do it, though.  Alas.


  1. And thus Grandpa demonstrates to Nicholas that his future with regard to stupid humor is, shall we say, bleak. The apple does not fall far from the tree ... and yet it still manages to hit many a branch on the way down.

  2. Ahh, Pi day is almost here! Hooray! :)
