Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Uncle Patrick Day

This morning we tried to explain to Nicholas that today was St. Patrick's Day and get him to say "Happy St. Patrick's Day." However, in typical toddler fashion, Nicholas took that abstract concept and translated it into something concrete and intelligible to him.

I imagine the thought process went something like this: They said "Patrick." I have an Uncle Patrick. That must be what they meant.

And what came out was "Happy Uncle Patrick Day!" And there was no convincing him otherwise.

Here he is in the process of shouting "Uncle Patrick Day!"

From 2011 March

And a picture of him in his fun green shirt that I just happened to buy on clearance last fall and washed last weekend to fill a load. I mean, the shirt I planned 6 months in advance for him to wear for St. Patrick's Day and carefully cleaned in advance.

From 2011 March

They are having a St. Patrick's Day party at school this afternoon, which I realized this morning that we had never signed up to bring something for. (In my defense, I really didn't see the signup sheet until this morning. Whether it was there before I don't know.) And since the teachers had filled in the rest of the spots on the sheet with their own names, I asked if they needed anything and Nicholas' teacher said anything green.

So I thought and thought and thought. What could I bring that was green and not a vegetable? I mean, really, I am not going to be the parent who brings broccoli to a school party. And then I hit on it--guacamole! Nicholas loves guacamole and it would be something fun for him to share with his friends. Perfect. I am a genius. This is going to be awesome. Of course when I went to the store to get avocados they were nowhere near ripe, despite the fact that each one had a sticker on it proclaiming "RIPE NOW!" Liars.

So I currently have 3 avocados wrapped in a paper bag sitting on the front seat of my car in the sun. I figure that in an hour 1 of 3 things will happen:
  1. They will ripen enough that I can make a good enough guacamole to satisfy one year olds.
  2. There will be some crazy chemical reaction that makes the avocados poisonous and all the kids sick.
  3. Absolutely nothing.
I think option 3 is the most likely, and all things considered that is probably a good thing.

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