Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mosquito Bites

Warning: the purpose of this post is for my own record keeping.  In other words, it will be boring.

Nicholas woke up this morning with at least 30 welts/hives over both legs below the knees, one arm from the elbow down, and across his forehead and down one side of his face.  I assumed they were mosquito bites, got him some Claritan and hydrocortisone cream for the itching, and moved on with life.  But then my aunts scared me that it could be something more/worse and even though the nurses among them ruled out chicken pox (the first scary suggestion), they suggested I get it looked at. 

After spending two hours at a Pediatric AfterHours clinic this evening, the doctor determined that he couldn't determine definitively what it was, but it was an allergic reaction of some sort.  Quite possibly a reaction to mosquito bites but it could also be a reaction to something else external (plant, insect, etc.).  But since there were no hives anywhere covered by clothing, he doesn't think it is a reaction to food or something else consumed.  And not something contagious.

The welts were starting to go down by bedtime, but slooooowly.  We'll see what he looks like in the morning.  But, as always, Nicholas' tolerance of physical discomfort is sky high.  Just looking at him made me feel itchy, but he only reached to scratch one time and was quickly dissuaded.

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