Monday, August 20, 2012

Last Day

Today was our last day in Kentucky.  Tomorrow we will spend the entire day in transit.  We plan to leave my Grandpa's house by 9am at the latest and even if everything goes perfectly smoothly we won't get home until 8pm.  When we lived in Maryland we could have driven home in less time than that!
We had a good day today with my other grandparents, but I don't have much specific to report.  But, I do of course have a picture:
From 2012 August

In other news, Nicholas' bites/hives/welts are definitely getting better.  Each one is now down to a red dot.  A pretty big red dot so he looks like he is recovering from something like the chicken pox, but almost flat rather than raised hives/welts and each one is at least half its former size.  I also remembered that he rolled down a hill at the park on Saturday night with one of my cousins, so I'm wondering if there could have been something mixed in with that grass that he had a reaction to.  It would match up with the affected areas.

And so it is now time to say goodbye to summer.  Tomorrow is a travel day with work forced into any crevice of time when Nicholas is watching a DVD because Wednesday starts back into the ramp up to the beginning of the semester.  I am so glad I forced myself to take the time to take these trips this summer, but now begins the time when I will pay for doing so.  Someone please remind me every few days over the next few weeks to go into my pictures to remember why it was worth it.

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