Monday, February 27, 2012

Judgment Call

In the car tonight on the way home, for some reason Nicholas announced, "I don't like people." He seemed sad, but he wouldn't tell us why he had said that.

So instead, we tried to distract him. "Do you like Mommy?" I asked. "Yes." "Do you like Daddy?" "Yes." "How about Grandma and Grandpa?" "Yes."

"Well they're all people, so you like people!" I concluded.

"And I like Uncle Brian and Aunt Shayna too," he continued on his own. "Uncle Brian is funny!"

So Uncle Brian, you're funny. And apparently the only one (other than Nicholas himself).

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!

    Abby is on the other end of the spectrum right now. "Dad, I love everyone!" Oh great, just great... :)
