Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fishy Fishy Got My Wishy

Nicholas has embraced the world of games wholeheartedly. Last weekend I decided to try an experiment and see if he was ready for "Go Fish." He had a little trouble but caught on quickly and absolutely loved playing. Tonight he begged me to play it with him and he apparently cemented the rules in his head sometime over the last 4 days because he had it down pat!

I was even more impressed when after we counted how many cards we each had at the end and I asked whether 16 or 12 was the bigger number he said, "16! 16 is the higher number and 12 is the lower number!" Wow, not only did he know the order, but he changed my terminology. I was amazed.

And then he stood up and proclaimed, completely seriously, "16 is this high," reaching his hand up about 4 inches over his head.

So maybe the concept is still a little fuzzy.

But "Go Fish" he understands.

1 comment:

  1. SO cool!

    Abby is just getting to card games, but she's loving it quickly. Last night we played Old Maid with coasters at Outback... Goofy but a good time-passer!
