Friday, May 18, 2012

Pajama Day and the Transgression of Social Norms in Early Childhood Education

Today is Pajama Day at Nicholas's school.

I know this because he told me so: 35 times last night between getting home and bed, and then another 35 times this morning. Oh, and when he woke up he was talking to himself: "Today is Pajama Day at school! That's silly!"

Nicholas understands, just shy of three years old, that the norm is to wear "real" clothes to school, and that wearing pajamas is a bit subversive. In other words, he has a more sophisticated grasp of social norms than many of the college students we teach.

1 comment:

  1. Today was Hawaiian-themed casual Friday at Uncle Brian's work today. I think "That's silly!" would have applied for me as well.
