Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Day at School

Nicholas has reached the age where he is old enough to report lots of details from his day at school, but not yet old enough to provide all the relevant pieces or explain thoroughly. Here are a few pieces of our conversation in the car on the way home today:

They went for a walk today to the library (I presume the one on campus, which because we have such a big education program has a whole section of children's books). It was a long walk and it was fun and they had to hold a rope and he held a yellow circle and they couldn't let go of the rope until a teacher called their names. But they couldn't go into the library because you have to call first, so they walked back. Ooops, apparently there is a rule about groups of young children calling ahead and the teachers didn't realize that it. Nicholas was not dissapointed, but rather excited about the walk itself. Although he reported about the not calling part, he didn't seem to realize that the plan had been to actually go into the library and it was thwarted.

He had to have 4 friends in a purple car today at school. He named who the 4 were and kept talking about how it had to be 4 and it was a purple car, but I couldn't figure out what this car actually was or what it was a part of.

One of the kids at school said he wasn't Nicholas' friend. He is friends with 3 of the other boys and they all play together. Nicholas felt sad when this kid said he wasn't his friend, but he didn't cry. One of the teachers told the other kid that wasn't a nice thing to say. This kid apparently was having a very bad day because he was also hitting placemats off the table.

Nicholas was the weather reporter today. They instituted a job chart at school a couple weeks ago and there are some awesome jobs. In addition to weather reporter there is calendar helper, line leader, caboose (end of the line), gardener, rest helper, and snack helper. And those are just the ones we've learned about so far as Nicholas was cycled through. It is exciting to find out what new job he had each day.

1 comment:

  1. Love the assignments for each child - gives them a way to be in charge, and to follow other children too! :)
