Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sugar! Tee hee!

Nicholas gets (the secular part of) Easter, to the point that by the time we got to eating the bunny cake, he was extolling the virtues of sweets in the manner you see above.

We had quite the busy day with Grandma Alice, Grandpa Richard, Uncle Brian, and Aunt Shayna all in town, so I'll try to keep things brief and illustrated.

After church this morning, we took our traditional holiday portrait:

From 2012 April

And just because, Nicholas wanted to pose with Elmo:

From 2012 April

Our apartment complex is not designed well for egg hunts (lots of open grassy space, which is great for other things, but not hiding anything), but we managed to find a spot around the corner from our building with an odd rock formation, so Nicholas was able to hunt for eggs:

From 2012 April
From 2012 April

It probably would have been more fun for him (and definitely for the adults) if there were more children running around looking for the eggs, but we persevered as he found all of them (and some of them twice, thanks to Grandpa's antics). The Easter Bunny was very nice to Nicholas: in addition to candy (yum!) he got galoshes, a Mickey Mouse shirt, and some puzzles, and Grandma brought more bubbles!

From 2012 April

Nicholas was exhausted much of the weekend because he was having so much fun, but that's okay, not least because he's back in school tomorrow so his teachers will be the ones to have to deal with it! He loves having family come visit, and told us this evening that he thought we should go visit Grandma and Grandpa, "because it will make them happy." Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

From 2012 April

1 comment:

  1. We often re-hide stuff like eggs - the excitement about finding another egg is offset by the silliness of it being the same one they found before!
