Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Snow in October

We now have power and I am caught up on the schoolwork and housework that got backed up with the storm, so can finally post about our experience of the recent storm.

We only got about 4 inches, but it was really wet, heavy snow and most of the trees still had their leaves, so tree branches were down everywhere. Hence why we lost power.

It was also tricky to get anywhere the past couple days because all our normal routes involve twisty country roads through the woods. And while they were all cleared of snow, so many were closed because of downed trees and/or wires that each time I tried to drive somewhere, I would go about 5 minutes before hitting a closed road and having to loop back. Our route to daycare is actually still down to one lane in many places. Not officially, but at many points I'd be driving along happily and suddenly go around the bend to find a huge branch out in the road and have to stop quickly to wait for oncoming traffic to pass so I could go around it. But at least the road was open. Yesterday it took us an hour and a half to do the normally 10-minute drive because we (and everyone else) had to take such crazy detours.

But now that we have heat again and I have confirmed that the food in the fridge and freezer are still good (a benefit of how cold the apartment got), I am able to look at the pictures from Sunday with fondness.

We really did have a great time playing out in the snow.

Nicholas was so excited to go out in the snow.
From 2011 October

We finally got the kid snowpants and boots this year (actually, two sets because they have to have a set at school), so he was able to walk around in the snow happily.
From 2011 October
I have not found a good option for gloves, however. The waterproof ones are too bulky and I can't get his thumb in correctly, but the other ones get so wet and cold.

Anyway, Nicholas had so much fun walking around in the snow, climbing up the "mountains" I made with the snow I shoveled, learning to throw snowballs, and building a snowman.
From 2011 October
From 2011 October
From 2011 October

He happily played by himself while I cleaned off one car, we stopped to build the snowman, then he played while I did about half of the other car. At that point he declared himself done, but it was way more than I expected to get out of him.

Our snowman is melting quickly and Nicholas seems very disturbed by this fact. He wants to go see our snowman every time we're outside and talks sadly about how the snowman is "falling apart" or "going away." The best I can do is promise him that we'll try to make another one the next time it snows. But, can you blame him? This is one awfully cute snowman, afterall:
From 2011 October

1 comment:

  1. That's CA-Razy! Glad you got to have some fun outside, and that power was not down for too long... :)
