Wednesday, December 8, 2010

High Chairs are for Babies

I'm pretty certain that at dinner tonight Nicholas told me that high chairs are for babies and he wants to sit in a booster seat instead.

Here is the conversation, transcribed to the best of my memory:
N (sitting in his high chair eating dinner): high chair Nicholas
S: Yes, Nicholas is sitting in a high chair.
N: No high chair.
S: Yes, you sit in a high chair to eat.
N: No high chair Nicholas. Baby.
S: Babies sit in high chairs?
N: No high chair. Alice chair. (Points to the chair next to him, which yesterday had a booster seat on it for Alice to sit in.)

Translating these broken English conversations seriously taxes my mental strength, but I'm pretty certain he was saying he is ready to give up the high chair. I've never ever heard him say anything was for babies before. I wonder if someone at school said something. They are transitioning him from Toddler 1 (where they eat in high chairs) to Toddler 2 (where they eat at a table in little kid chairs).

Joe and I had already discussed ditching the high chair soon, but planned to wait until after the Christmas and early January extended trips to NY, since being in the high chair while there will greatly simplify life. We'll see if he lets us wait another month.


  1. High chairs out of state will be novelty, don't worry. He will be caught up in the excitement of everything else that is going on. Abby has moved on to real chairs, but still gets giddy at the idea of a high chair when it is offered to her!

  2. In most cases I would agree with you, but my parents happened to buy an identical high-chair to the one Nicholas has at home. Although theirs is still clean, so he may not realize that!
