Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daddy's mini-me

Nicholas has taken to picking up the remote control, pointing it at the tv while pushing buttons, and asking for baseball. Now, he doesn't push the correct buttons and "baseball" sounds more like "bay-bah" or something even further off, but baseball is definitely what he wants on the tv.
From 2010 September

I'm outnumbered.


  1. Ironically, I'd been thinking of doing a similar post but for a different reason. Monday when I dropped him off at day care, I mentioned to his teacher that he was tired and cranky (noting that I had little idea what good it would do her. She responded, "oh, when he's tired and cranky he has no patience with the other kids." And I was thinking, "just like Daddy."


  2. Sarah, YOU'RE outnumbered?! I know someone who has faced 5-1 odds for decades! Now THAT'S outnumbered!

  3. And there goes your chance at any more grandchildren . . .

  4. Yes, but the odds of the second child being a girl are still 50-50. It's after THREE boys that you have to be nuts ("pea-nuts?") to think you might get a girl. Right, Pat?
