Tuesday, September 14, 2010


When I went to pick Nicholas up at school this afternoon one of the teachers was blowing bubbles for the kids to try to catch. And Nicholas was so focused that I was able to watch him for a bit before he noticed me. So I will try to paint a picture for you.

The teacher stood blowing bubbles as one kid reached for them, two stood staring in wonder, one sat on the floor whimpering, and Nicholas danced/jumped up and down gleefully yelling "bubble!" The teacher waited a minute before blowing more and Nicholas (still bouncing from foot to foot) yelled "bubble!" again. "Say please," she asked him. "Peas!" Nicholas exclaimed, so proud of himself for this word he only perfected a couple days ago, while also scratching his chest in the sign they taught him for please. Another round of bubbles. Some of the other kids began to lose interest and the teacher went to get Nicholas' lunch bag. Nicholas was not done, however, and when the teacher came back near him he looked up and asked "more-more" while dutifully doing the sign for more. "More bubbles?" "Bubble!" he exclaimed. She blew one more set of bubbles. Then she handed Nicholas his lunch bag and asked him to take it to his mommy. He looked up confused and looked towards the door, and finally saw me. "Hi, Nicholas. Are you having fun?" "Bubble!!!"

The really cool postscript is that at dinner when Joe asked Nicholas what he did at school today he replied, "Bubble!" That is the first time he has answered that question, and he actually answered it correctly.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! I love conversations with Abby about her day - I think it started with bubble for her too! Why are the simplest things the most fun?
