Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One Small and/or Tentative Step (Really a Fall)

Sometimes we just enjoy toying with Nicholas.  Over the past several weeks, he's started showing definite signs of walking under his own power (what we've called in previous posts the "Wile E. Coyote" syndrome ... he's fine until he realizes he's not holding on).

So this weekend we decided to give him a shot and see what he could do.  And right after he did it, Sarah got out the camera to see if we could get a video.  Unfortunately, that means that this wasn't his best few steps.  He was starting to get tired, and he had decided it was a fun game to fall backwards and have Mommy or Daddy catch him.  Anyway, he's starting to get close to being able to walk: take a look!

From Nicholas - Month 5


  1. Too cute - he'll get there, never fear! Falling is just as much fun sometimes too. :o)

  2. I didn't want to write this in the original post, but since you bring up falling ... he does seem to think that falling is fun. So much fun, in fact, because we always catch him. I've been tempted to just let him fall so that he learns that staying upright is more fun. But that seems a bit cruel.

    And the uncle or uncles who teach him to fall while saying "Timmmmberrrrrrr" will be blacklisted for a very, very long time.
