Thursday, April 15, 2010

Look Who's Walking

From 2010 April

As I mentioned the other day, Nicholas has suddenly decided that he can walk. And, as you can see in the above video, he is actually starting to get pretty good at it. He is definitely not a proficient walker by any stretch, but I think he is now officially "walking." Ahhhhh!

For a video that pretty accurately captures what Nicholas' playtime now looks like, click here. I love the excited look he gets when he decides he is going to let go of something and walk. You can see the anticipation! And he is so proud of himself.


  1. Wow, you guys weren't kidding when you said he hasn't figured out how to use his knees. He just goes down like a ton of bricks!

  2. Every once in a while he'll fall properly, so that he lands on his butt, but yeah, mostly he just does "trust falls!"
