Friday, August 28, 2009

Going Swimming

We haven't been able to take Nicholas in a pool this summer, partly because we can't find swimming diapers that are small enough and partly because we avoid having him in the sun whenever possible. However, he loves the water at bathtime, so we decided to let him "swim" in the bathtub tonight. It can't be called a bath because we didn't use any soap, but I put on a swimsuit and he and I played in the tub. He kicked his legs around and splashed, getting more adventurous in his movements as time wore on.

From Nicholas - Month 4
This is the only picture we have that is decent to post, but I swear he got happier and more comfortable in the water after a few minutes.

1 comment:

  1. You most certainly can call it a bath when there is no soap! This is exactly how Abby took baths for a long, long time!
