Sunday, January 19, 2014

Quick Updates

A few quick updates so I don't forget these things:
  • One of our big goals for last week was to get Elizabeth onto a more normal bedtime.  The goal was to push it back a little at a time.  The first couple days attempting a 10:00 bedtime were a mixed bag, with a little success and a lot of crying (for E) and frustration (for us).  And then she suddenly started acting like she was ready for bed at 9, so we ran with it.  And she did 3 of 4 nights going to bed around 9:30 (with one in the middle of fighting until 11).  And then the last 2 nights she has been acting ready for bed by 7:30 and was in bed asleep by 8:15-8:30.  I will not declare success because I know that is tempting fate, but encouraging.  She is still eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours overnight, but I don't mind that on nights that she easily goes back down.  It is the nights when after she eats she gets upset at being put down and I spend an hour rocking the bassinet and giving her back the pacifier every few minutes that are really frustrating.
  • Daycare went well overall.  I trust Maria to keep Elizabeth safe and meet her needs, but it hard not being able to control (or even really know about) what her day looks like.
  • Elizabeth is now rolling over from front to back going right.  She had done it a couple times over the last week but we thought it might just be chance.  Last night she did it 4 or 5 times in a row.  I have a video, but haven't uploaded it yet.
  • I think Nicholas has had a growth spurt.  His pants all suddenly seem a little on the short side and he has been constantly complaining about being hungry.  Let's hope that explains some of the behavioral issues of late and that he goes back to his sweet self.  He has had a pretty good weekend so far.
  • We have offered Nicholas the option of earning the privilege of a later bedtime on a day-by-day basis.  Some days he still is really tired by 7 but that is really early for his age and there have been many nights in the last few months where he lies in bed for sometimes hours before he falls asleep.  So he can now have an 8 o'clock bedtime if he is being well-behaved that evening and demonstrating that he isn't too tired.  The language of earning/losing the privilege has been working really well with him with putting on parmesan cheese and doing his own toothpaste, so we'll see if it works in this case as well.

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