Thursday, November 14, 2013

More Pictures

I am too tired to write a real post and I'm only buying 10 minutes on the computer with a pacifier anyway, so here are a few quick notes and pictures:

- I hate cluster feeding.  She broke me last night at about 1 am after eating basically since 6pm.  She would stop eating, fall asleep, and then wake up within 5 minutes of being put down, insisting she was famished.  Hence tonight I am interrupting the cluster with 10 minutes of the pacifier.  It is necessary for my sanity.

-Nicholas is so protective of Elizabeth.  It is what Joe refers to as "watchdog mode."  One of today's examples: "Daddy, you aren't allowed to call my sister Little Miss Poopy."

-Elizabeth has some pretty crazy eye gunk today but the over-the-phone diagnosis is a blocked tear duct, so we're just doing some warm compresses.  It isn't bothering her and we have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow to check on jaundice, so the doctor will check then.

-The craziness of the last week has started to take its toll and we are all showing and feeling the exhaustion more today than any previous day.  Nicholas cracked some tonight and so I spent about 20 minutes snuggling with him as he went to bed.  He has been an absolute rockstar but clearly he needs a little more from me.

-Nicholas comes home from school each day with the question "Where's Elizabeth?" and immediately goes to her and has to kiss her and check on her.

Okay, now what you really want:
From 2013 November
From 2013 November
From 2013 November
From 2013 November
From 2013 November
From 2013 November

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