Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Serenity Now!

I read a piece this morning in which a man (it would have to be a man, wouldn't it?) described his philosophy of "Serenity Parenting," in which parents don't "overcharge" themselves for their children, dragging them to events, hobbies, lessons, and all manner of things that no one may be interested, in a futile (he argues) effort to mold their children into future productive adults.  His argument is to sit back, relax, pay less attention to each child, and to have more children (which would, I imagine, necessitate less attention to any one child).  All of this is based, he says on research about the development of twins.

And then there's this nugget nestled in the middle of a paragraph: "I can’t say that I completely convinced my wife on any of these points."

No kidding!


  1. Yeah, that's one way to do it, I guess. I'm fairly hands off and do agree that some parents over-parent, but some under-parent too. You have to find what works for you!

  2. Oh yeah, and you should also likely include your partner in those discussions and decisions, for the record!

  3. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you never make decisions without clearing them first with the boss.

  4. Joe, when -- and from whom -- could you POSSIBLY have learned that?
