Saturday, April 2, 2011

Medical Update Umpteenth and One

Brief update: Nicholas' ear infection has cleared but the fluid (and mucus--ick) in his ears is not draining. The doctor is doing one more round of antibiotics, mostly I got the impression to buy time hoping the weather will turn and magically loosen things up, but he has started trying to prepare me for tubes. Whereas at the last appointment he was talking about avoiding tubes, suddenly today he was dropping in comments about them not being a big deal. Basically, I think, he looked in Nicholas' ears and knew where it was going and wanted to lay the groundwork. There is still a little hope. Since Nicholas had two separate viruses that cause congestion in the past 2 weeks, it could be that he was recongested rather than that his ears won't drain. Also, the nose spray he has been using sometimes takes a month to really work. But the hope is getting slim. And, of course, this evening he started having a runny nose, so I have the feeling another cold is coming. And as much as I don't want him to need tubes, I'd prefer that to keeping him on antibiotics permanently. At this point he has been on antibiotics (like 4 different kinds) for more of 2011 than not, and I'm worried about potential ramifications of that. Also, if he has to get tubes, better to get them over and done with before we start our process of moving, finding new doctors, the health insurance insanity that goes with a new job and new state, etc. In terms of health issues, this is such a minor one and I am so grateful for that, but I am sick of the cycle and just want Nicholas to be better.

1 comment:

  1. I have two faux-nephews with tubes - same reasons as you are dealing with now. Too many infections back to back and wanting to pull off of meds. Will be thinking of you all as you make decisions...
