Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nemo and Snow

What is better when you are a little kid than a massive snow storm?  One named after your favorite Disney character of course!  I think this whole naming storms thing is silly, but if they were all named after Disney characters it would take a little bit of the sting out of it.

We got a little over 2 feet of snow here, mostly Friday afternoon and overnight.  Yesterday there was really no going outside so we kept busy in the house. We did 4 loads of laundry, made chili in the crockpot, made a kaleidoscope using a kit, read an entire Magic TreeHouse book cover to cover in one sitting, gave Nicholas a bubble bath, worked on spelling animal names, and played some card games and Chutes and Ladders.  And somehow Joe and I also managed to actually get the necessary Friday work done.  I really have no idea how the day went so smoothly.

By 10am this morning the sun was shining and everyone was out shoveling and playing.  There are really aggravating things about living in a complex during snow storms (clearing out a spot well and then having to park in a spot full of snow if you dare go to the store, for one), but one really great thing is the rare sense of communty.  We talk to our neighbors more when everyone is out clearing off cars than any other time.  And today we played with a bunch of the kids as well.  And having our best friends in the state live in the same building is really great on days like today!

The first time out Nicholas got sick of helping after about 5 minutes and so he and I played with the other moms and kids who were out for half an hour and then went inside when he lost his mind over being cold and tired.  But when we went back out in the late afternoon he had snapped into grown-up Nicholas mode and was a super-duper big helper.  After we had completely cleaned out one spot and gotten the other car dug out enough to move, Joe went to the grocery store  The plan was to just leave that spot as it was and see if the backhoe came around and cleaned it out and if not park back in it and deal.  But Nicholas so desperately wanted to keep working that he and I completely cleaned that other spot out as well while Joe was gone.

Overall, our snow weekend is going very well.  I have no idea what tomorrow looks like, but we've had a good time so far.

There are a ton of pictures of the storm and Nicholas playing and working in it in the January album, but here are a few highlights:
From 2013 January
From 2013 January
From 2013 January
From 2013 January
From 2013 January
From 2013 January
From 2013 January

This last one is a fort one of our neighbors built.  We had nothign to do with the construction, but Nicholas thought it was cool.

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