Friday, June 8, 2012

Routes and Routines

Nicholas and I have been doing well this week, with most things anyway.

But he doesn't like the way I drive. Not the manner in which I drive, that is, but the route. You see, "Mommy doesn't go this way!"

Sigh. The mornings have been fine. But apparently I don't drive home properly because I take a slightly different route to get off campus and onto the main drag home. The first day, this caused confusion. The second, consternation. This morning on the way to school, Nicholas ordered me to "drive down the big hill" when I pick him up because that's the way Mommy does it.

I suppose I should have known we'd end up with a backseat driver. Oh well. Mommy can drive home on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Don't let smarty pants get away with thinking he knows better than you. There's more than one way to get home. Just set the GPS. That'll learn him! Jeez!
